[wg11] Use cases for XML/P28e2

Dave Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Thu Jun 10 15:38:47 EDT 2004

Howard> I suggest that WG11 takes the lead in scheduling a session
Howard> during the Bath meeting.

The session will be Wednesday 10:30-12pm.  See below.

Standards tend to be written by the folks who show up.  The WG11
projects typically draw few participants, so these discussions have
been very helpful in uncovering new requirements and viewpoints.

In that light, we will structure the meeting to make sure we hear and
can address the requirements of the AP developers.  From the voices I
have heard so far, the groups who seem to have requirements are:

	- AP-239/PLCS
	- AP-238 
	- AP-210
	- Part 28 team 

Gerry and I suggest a format whereby each group has 10 minutes to
outline their requirements, followed by an open 40 minute discussion
to explore a course forward for addressing those needs.

The session will be Wednesday 10:30-12pm as describe.  This slot was
previously scheduled for the implementors forum so hopefully we can
draw participants from the WG3, WG11, WG12, and implementor groups.

WG11 projects often take great pains to support the "entire EXPRESS
community" which presumably includes private, stand-alone or ad-hoc
EXPRESS models.  This is certainly of merit, and not to be ignored.

However, I remind the members of our small working group that the
widest use of WG11 standards are in the context of APs.  An AP is not
necessarily just "one more EXPRESS model" and we must give equal, if
not greater, weight to these needs as well.

				- Dave (WG11 Convenor)

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