Availability of Express2 specifications

Jochen Haenisch bananajochen at ofir.dk
Tue Jul 2 05:00:31 EDT 2002

Hi folks,

it is good to know to be popular :-)
Attached is an incomplete version of the P11e2 document. Only a few of the 
issues resolutions are incoporated. The shtolo-annex is annex G. It is not far 
from complete, but an example or two and especially a critical review are 
missing. I am looking forward to your constructive comments.

Else, I hope that this draft can be useful in your work.

Best regards, Jochen.
P.S.: I am on vacation, but will complete annex G during this week - taking 
into account comments that arrive until Thursday.

>===== Original Message From Dave Loffredo <loffredo at steptools.com> =====
>>>>> "Pascal" == Pascal Huau <pascalhuau at goset.asso.fr> writes:
>Pascal> in order to complete on-time the PDM modules, the module
>Pascal> developers have an urgent need of the specifications of
>Pascal> Express Ed2.  At Stockholm, your group committed to Deliver
>Pascal> the short-to-long annex by June 28th.  Do you have news about
>Pascal> this annex? When is it actually available?
>Jochen Haenisch (the editor) contacted me last wednesday to say that
>he had begun working on the annex, but that it was not ready.  I leave
>it to him to respond to this note with a revised schedule.
>He sent me some partial text for the annex, which I will forward to
>the WG11 list in a following message.  It is not a complete draft of
>the amendment, but may offer some chance for early feedback.
>Pascal> In addition, could you please provide me a draft of the complete
>Pascal> Express2 document (even if not finalized)?
>I have forwarded your note to both Jochen and Phil and have asked them
>to send you a preliminary copy of the Edition 2 document.
>						- Dave

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