Identification of Express Version

Dave Loffredo loffredo at
Fri May 3 12:00:31 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Pascal" == Pascal Huau <pascalhuau at> writes:

Pascal>  on the basis of the specification of Express DAM1, we have to
Pascal> include, in the Express files of application modules, a ASN1
Pascal> code identifying the version of Express language.  But,
Pascal> considering that when the modules are published, Express2
Pascal> should also be published, which code should we include in the
Pascal> exp files:

Pascal> {iso standard 10303 part (11) version (4)}    (ASN1 code of DAM1)
Pascal>  or
Pascal> {iso standard 10303 part (11) version (5)}    (expected ASN1 code of
Pascal> Express2)

I have not seen any response or discussion of Pascal's question.  This
is a good issue, and I'm curious how the EXPRESS team intends for this
to operate.

I suspect that an ASN.1 identifier is overspecifying the solution.
Will we change schemas for the two versions above?  What happens six
months after IS when we release the first TC against EXPRESS2?

						     - Dave

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