Identification of Express Version

Pascal Huau pascalhuau at
Fri Apr 26 07:10:40 EDT 2002

Dear all,

 on the basis of the specification of Express DAM1, we have to include, in
the Express files of application modules, a ASN1 code identifying the
version of Express language.
But, considering that when the modules are published, Express2 should also
be published, which code should we include in the exp files:

     {iso standard 10303 part (11) version (4)}    (ASN1 code of DAM1)

     {iso standard 10303 part (11) version (5)}    (expected ASN1 code of

Thanks in advance for your help,

Pascal Huau
Association GOSET
107,111 avenue Georges Clemenceau
92000 Nanterre

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