[step-manufacturing] Minutes of 5th Dallas conference call

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Mon Sep 24 15:10:45 EDT 2007

Curtis Brown, Honeywell
Alain Brail, Airbus, France
John Horst, NIST
Ray Admire, Lockheed Martin
David Odendahl, Boeing
John Witko, General Dynamics Land Systems
Fred Proctor, NIST
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik, Sweden
James Ayers, Northrop Grumman
Ken Woodbine, Hexagon Metrology
Mikael Hedlind, KTH, Sweden
Patrick Marchand, CIETM, France
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.

Apologies for absence
Shaw Feng, NIST
Chen-Han Lee, Siemens UGS Software
Jan De Nijs, Lockheed Martin
Xun Xu, New Zealand
Len Slovensky, SCRA

There was a discussion about the inspection process to be shown at 
Dallas. The HiPP team had several concerns about the precision of the 
measurements for the b-spline surface and angular corner. Two options 
were discussed as shown in FishHeadToleranceSuggestions.ppt on the 
ftp site. ftp://www.steptools.com/private/Dallas

The first option (first slide) is to follow the original plan with 
some enhancements to the procedure. The problem with this option is 
that even after the enhancements it will be difficult to make the 
measurements precisely using the procedures currently available in STEP-NC.

The second option (second slide) is to change the plan so that only 
analytical features are measured. The advantage of this option is 
that the procedures for evaluating these features can be described 
precisely and therefore they can be reproduced accurately at all of 
the machining sites.

In Japan, the measurement was done at the end of the demonstration 
and in a hurry so there were several discrepancies. Everyone wanted 
to make the measurements more precise for Dallas. The HiPP team 
commented that this was not possible for Option 1 without the 
additions being proposed for Version 2 of AP-238 by the HiPP team. 
The machining team commented that making simpler measurements for 
Dallas is OK if the measurements are done using a procedure that is 
recognized as valid by the metrology community.

It was agreed that the Option 2 measurements will be made in the 
Dallas demonstration and that Curtis Brown will provide a precise 
description for how the measurements should be made and John Horst 
will contact Len Slovensky to get a new AP-203 e2 (disguised AP-224) 
file with the tolerance data.

There was a discussion on tool path development for this 
demonstration. New tool paths are going to be developed by NIST, 
Sandvik, the University of New Zealand and Boeing. Airbus developed 
tool paths for the last demonstration. STEP Tools will assemble all 
the tool paths into a STEP-NC file containing multiple alternate 
workplans each suited to a different set of machining conditions.

David Odendahl suggested using Vought as an alternate location for 
the machining demonstration if Moriseiki cannot participate.

Alain Brail and John Horst will contact Renishaw to see if they can 
assist with the measurement portion of the demonstration.

Bengt Olsson has been able to obtain an AP-203 model for the result 
of the roughing. Many thanks to UGS Siemens and Imageware for their 
assistance. The file has been posted to the ftp site as UG_Cam_IPW.stp.

November 1st 		- Machining demonstration
October 24th 		- Finish machining tests
October 10th 		- Begin machining tests
October 1st 		- Finish tool path development
September 15th 	- Begin tool path development

New Action Items
Curtis Brown to develop a recipe for making the new measurements on the part
John  Horst to contact Len Slovensky about developing an AP-203 e2 
model with the tolerances required by the new measurements
Martin Hardwick to develop an AP-238 model with the new tolerances 
and measurements
David Odendahl and Ray Admire to contact Vought about hosting the demonstration
Alain Brail and John Horst to contact Renishaw about participating in 
the demonstration

Old Action items
David Loffredo and David Odendahl to investigate use of rotate 
command for two dimensional probing
Fred Proctor to complete the welcome package and scenario documentation

Closed Action Items
Martin Hardwick to send AP-203 file for the fish head to Len Slovensky
Len Slovensky to prepare a draft AIC for the inspection features
David Odendahl to contact Chen Han Lee of UGS and John Horst to 
contact John  Schafer of UGS about participating in the demonstration
Fred Proctor to investigate use of Pro/Manufacturing for developing 
fish head tool paths
Martin Hardwick to contact Prof. Kisinami about Far East 
participation in the demonstration
Alain Brail to contact Renishaw about using their macros for two 
dimensional (X and Y) probing
Martin Hardwick to send Catai data for the Ibusuki demonstration to Shaw Feng
Len Slovensky to investigate developing an AP-224 file with the 
tolerances for the fish head part as a substitute AP-203 e2 file
Fred Proctor to prepare a welcome package for new organizations that 
want to join the demonstration
Fred Proctor to develop a scenario for the demonstration showing data 
flows and responsibilities
John Horst to assist Ray Admire in contacting the Mori-Seiki tech center
Bengt Olsson to investigate requirements for optimal tool selection
Chen-Han Lee to assist Bengt Olsson in converting the Sandvik rough 
model to AP-203
Shaw Feng and HiPP team to review the inspection features suggested by Airbus

The next conference call will be held on Wednesday October 3rd at the 
same time 4:30PM France, 10:30 AM Eastern USA, 9:30AM Central USA, 
7:30AM Western USA.
As recorded by Martin Hardwick

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