[step-manufacturing] AP238 done and in signoffs

David Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Tue Jul 18 12:56:25 EDT 2006


As promised in Toulouse, I have finished editing the remaining AP238 
EXPRESS-G and examples and have submitted the document package for its 
final publication signoffs.

Some say that attention is the most valuable coin in the information 
age, and I deeply appreciate all of the attention that each of you have 
invested in this over the past seven years.  It made the standard far 
better and stronger than it would have ever otherwise been.

My sincere thanks to each of you.
						- Dave

You can find the publication package at:


The zip file is about 14meg and contains the final document, express 
schemas, shortnames, issue log, validation report, resolution slides, 
and SEDS report to SC1.

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