[step-manufacturing] Status summary for WG3

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Mon Jun 12 11:03:10 EDT 2006


As you probably know the theme of the upcoming STEP meeting in 
Toulouse is "STEP and Manufacturing". There is going to be a 
significant demonstration of CNC data preparation using AP-224, and 
CNC machining using AP-238 on the morning of Wednesday June 28, 
followed by presentations and discussions on future directions for 
our STEP Manufacturing activities in the afternoon. I believe it is 
going to be a very good meeting with a several newcomers able to join 
us for the first time.

We should make a special effort to make the newcomers feel welcome by 
spending more time than usual explaining what we do during the 
summary and status session on Monday afternoon. If you can please 
spend extra time preparing your summary presentations. For each AP I 
think it would be good to show:

1. Where the AP fits into the STEP-Manufacturing Suite
2. Explain the current status of the AP in layman's terms as well as 
its official ISO status (NWI, CD etc).
3. Show the Scope of the AP and describe what problems it is trying to solve.
4. If there has been any testing then describe what has been done so far
5. Give an overview of the technology involved by briefly describing 
the most important application objects.

With suitable modifications I hope this can also apply to the ISO 
14649 and ISO 13399 parts.

Ideally it would be nice to spend 10 minutes on each AP or other part 
for the newcomers, 5 minutes on the goals for this meeting, and then 
5 minutes for questions and answers.

In addition because of the interest, the Wg3 Convenor has asked me to 
give an overview of the current status of our AP's at the Wg3 plenary 
session on Monday Morning (10:30 to Noon). I will prepare this 
material, but it would be most helpful if you could send me a summary 
slide for each of your AP's describing the following information:

         scope, who participated or is participating, current status, 
industrial validation or use, work in progress, future plans

Thanks very much. I look forward to seeing you in Toulouse.

Martin Hardwick
Team Leader Wg3 T24 STEP-Manufacturing
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