Conference call minutes
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Fri Nov 19 17:08:05 EST 2004
Minutes of 3rd AP-238 CC1 Testing Telcon on 11/19/04
The following documents are referenced in these minutes:
1. Discussion on the Implementation Guide.
The document is very good and the following suggestions
were made for improvements:
a. Describe the scope of the AP-238 CC1 subset that is
being implemented. [David Odendahl action item]
b. Describe the syntax of each entity including the required
and optional fields and any required values. [Martin Hardwick
action item].
c. Give a reverse code example showing how the different constructs
in an APT CL file (e.g. GOTO) are converted into AP-238 CC1.
[David Odendahl action item].
d. Put the document under configuration control with dates and
page numbers. [Fred Proctor action item].
2. Discussion on the CAD/CAM export Implementation Plans
AP-238 export translators for CATIA, UNX, Gibbscam and Mastercam
will be shown at the demonstration. The UNX, Gibbscam and Mastercam
translators will be direct translators. The CATIA translator
will be a Boeing developed translator that exports via APT/CL.
a. The description on the usage of IGES and some other items
in the STEP-NC FAQ is not quite accurate. [John Callen action item].
b. A more detailed project plan needs to be developed. [Martin
Hardwick action item]
The following dates were suggested:
i. December 1st. AP-238 reference file to be posted to the
NIST web site.
ii. January 7th. First version of AP-238 export translators to
be made available by UGS for UNX, and STEP Tools for
Mastercam and GibbsCAM.
iii. January 14th. Deadline for feedback on the quality of
the AP-238 export files after testing using the GE Fanuc and
Siemens simulators.
iv. January 21st. Corrected export translators released by the
CAM vendors.
v. February 1st. Demonstration opens at the Rosen Center in
Orlando for VIP tours.
vi. February 3rd. Main demonstration with keynote speaker and
live export of AP-238 data by CAM and import by CNC.
c. Several suggestions were made for improving the AP-238 CC1 tool
path viewer using the lessons learned by the CAM vendors for tool
path simulation. [Action item for John Callen to contact Alex
Lipatov of STEP Tools with suggestions].
3. Discussion on the Demonstration Scenario
GE Fanuc has agreed to make simulators available for the GE Fanuc 160i
and 300i. The agreement of Siemens to supply a simulator for the meeting
looks optimistic but is still waiting final approval. Boeing has been
able to make the CDS-5 part on two CNC machines using a BCL control
and a Siemens 840D control.
a. We need to plan the event. There will be four tables one for the
GE Fanuc simulators, one for the Siemens simulator, one for the
integrated CAD/CAM vendors and one for the CAM vendors. The room
will have capacity for about 50 people. [Denis Daniels action item].
b. We need to script the event and the meeting. We need to pick the
keynote speaker and decide on an Agenda. [Fred Proctor action
item working with Sid Venkatesh and Martin Hardwick].
c. We need to generate a publicity flyer and press release describing
the event and distribute to all interested parties [Sid Venkatesh
working with Dennis, Fred, Carol and Martin action item].
Suggestions for distribution lists include:
ARCwire lists [Dennis Daniels]
AIAG/Digital Manufacturing lists [Carol Tierney]
ISO lists [Martin Hardwick]
OMAC lists [Sid Venkatesh]
There will be a phone call on Tuesday to discuss the flyer [Sid
Venkatesh action item].
d. We need to expand the list of end users. Each end user will produce
a STEP-NC AP-238 file using the new translators. The files
will be tested on the simulators during the meeting.
The following end users will participate:
Organization Individual CAM
Boeing David Odendahl CATIA/APT CL
Boeing Sid Venkatesh UGS
GDLS John Witco GibbsCAM
The following additions were suggested:
Organization Individual CAM
GM Jerry Yen UNX
Caterpillar David Longanbach Pro/E or UNX?
Pratt & Whitney Christian Jess UNX
Lockheed Martin
A Mastercam user needs to be identified [Martin Hardwick
action item to contact Gary Hargreaves]
[Sid Venkatesh has the action item to follow up with GM,
Caterpillar and Pratt and Whitney.] [Howard Schimmoller of
Lockheed Martin has the action item to identify a Lockheed
Martin user.]
We need to increase the participation by International
Vendors and users. [Sid Venkatesh and Martin Hardwick action
Meeting attendees:
Fred Proctor, NIST
Chen Han Lee, UGS
Dennis Daniels, ARC
Martin Hardwick, David Loffrdo STEP Tools, Inc.
Ming C, Liu, Waris Jaffrey, Boeing Wichita
David Odendahl, Boeing Tulsa
Sid Venkatesh, Mauro Costas, Boeing Seattle
Carol Tierney, General Dynamics Land Systems
Howard Schimmoller, Lockheed Martin
John Callen, GibbsCAM
As recorded by Martin Hardwick on November 19, 2004.
The next conference call will be at 2PM Eastern on Monday
December 6 (note the change to a Monday).
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