2nd telcon on AP-238 CC1 testing

st-announce at steptools.com st-announce at steptools.com
Tue Nov 2 16:07:28 EST 2004


The second telcon on AP-238 inter-operability testing has been
scheduled as shown below.

Date: 11/5/04 (Friday) 
Time: 2:00-3:00 PM (EST), 1:00-2:00 (CST) , 11:00 -12:00 (PST) 
Telephone Number: 1-866-350-0777 or 425-717-7000 
Passcode: 14156#

Many thanks to Boeing for hosting the call. 

In this conference call the main discussion item will be the
enclosed scenario document prepared by Fred Proctor of NIST.
We want to make sure everybody understands the document and
get your suggestions for extensions and enhancements.

Two such suggestions have already been made and are noted

1. Add a description of the AP-238 conformance classes.
2. Add a description of TCP programming.

I want to emphasize that the call is open to all including 
International participants. We would very much like to
extend the lists of participants and systems currently shown
in the document.

Martin Hardwick
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