STEP Tools News for Tuesday November 4

Martin Hardwick hardwick at
Tue Dec 5 15:33:37 EST 2000

This newsletter is a brief update of what is going on in STEP and
at STEP Tools, Inc.  If you want to know more, try the STEP Tools
web site ( 

STEP-NC "Super Model" Meeting

The third meeting of the Industrial Review Board of the Super Model
project was held at the Benet Laboratories of Watervliet Arsenal last
week. This meeting showed a manufacturing demonstration in which parts
were made by milling three kinds of features (hole, slot and pocket).

In the demonstration we used a CAD system to make product geometry, a
CAM system to add manufacturing instructions, and an NC Controller to
machine the part using the manufacturing instructions.  We then proved
the flexibility of the new process by allowing a member of the
audience to define an engineering change in the CAD system.  The new
geometry was then read into CAM system using AP-203, modified and
exported as a STEP-NC AIM file. The STEP-NC AIM data was then posted
to an Internet Web site and used by the controller to make the part.

CAD  - The CADKEY system was used to define and modify solid models.

CAM  - An advanced CAM system called FBMach (Feature Based Machining)
       was used to recognise manufacturing features in the geometry
       and annotate those features with manufacturing instructions.

SOAP - In next years demonstration there will be a world wide web
       server that delivers manufacturing work plans to the NC
       Controllers as XML objects. In this years demonstration it was
       a person who used EXPRESS-X to map the STEP-NC AIM data for a
       chosen work plan into XML.

NC   - A windows based NC Controller read the manufacturing work plan,
       generated tool paths and used those paths to control the machine
       as it milled the part.

The point of this years demonstration was to show that you can go from
"Art to Part" much more efficiently using STEP-NC.

The goal for next years demonstration will be to prove that there are
no "gotcha's" in the new process such as unexpected restrictions on
the kinds of parts that can be milled, or insufficient flexibility in
the system.

Dimensions being added to ST-Viewer

The next version of the ST-Viewer will allow users to display the
dimensions of a AP-203 CAD part, AP-227 process plant part or AP-210
printed circuit board part.

Implementors Forum Web Site

Martin Hardwick became the chain of the Implementors Forum at the last
ISO STEP meeting in Charleston. The Implementors Forum web site that
was hosted by ATI Corp. has been transfered to STEP Tools, Inc. so
that we can maintain and extend it more easily.

There is a wealth of information on STEP and STEP implementation
available in this forum, so it is strongly recommended to anybody with
a technical background that wants to learn more about STEP.

Translation Service

Those of you who read the last letter will see that the sacrifice

Period Covered: Sun Nov 26 03:25:03 2000 -- Sun Dec  3 03:25:03 2000
Total usage: 56
Successful usage: 56 (100%)
Errors:  (0%)

Translator		total	errors success rate

ACIS to STEP:		33	0	100%
STEP to ACIS:		15	0	100%
Parasolid to STEP:	2	0	100%
STEP to Parasolid:	2	0	100%
Visualization tools:	1	0	100%
Visualization Service:	1	0	100%
XML to STEP:		2	0	100%

All-Time stats

Period Covered: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969 -- Sun Dec  3 03:25:41 2000
Total usage: 11225
Successful usage: 9990 (88%)
Errors: 1235 (11%)

Translator		total	errors success rate

ACIS to STEP:		2664	63	97%
STEP to ACIS:		3579	248	93%
STEP to XML:		87	18	79%
AP203 Checker:		713	48	93%
EXPRESS Checker:	11	1	90%
Parasolid to STEP:	429	121	71%
STEP to Parasolid:	509	143	71%
STEP to XML:		452	35	92%
Visualization tools:	602	148	75%
Visualization Service:	137	18	86%
XML to STEP:		103	21	79%


Resellers for STEP Tools products are available in the following
geographic areas.  Please contact us if you would like further

	Simulog, Sophia Antipolis Cedex
	EuroSTEP GmbH, Bad Aibling
	EuroSTEP AB, Stockholm
--United Kingdom
	Enabled Systems, Ltd, Leeds
	EuroSTEP UK, Denbigh
	C-STEP, Beijing
	Open Systems, Inc., Tokyo
	Mani Information Systems, Inc.
	Exartech International Corp., Taipei
	Axxon Technology, Taipei
	INTEXS International,Virgina Beach Va.

Tools From STEP Tools, Inc.

The world's foremost firms use the STEP Tools product line to help
them share engineering product information.  Over one million people
use product data applications built with ST-Developer, the company's
flagship product. 

Database Tools:
* ST-Repository -- a database for e-manufacturing developed for the
  growing number of mid-sized to large corporations that need to 
  sub-contract manufacturing tasks over the Internet.

Programming Tools:
* ST-Developer -- programming tools for writing STEP applications,
  translators and databases.

* ST-ACIS Library -- programming functions to convert STEP data
  to and from ACIS models and SAT files.

* ST-Parasolid Library -- programming functions to convert STEP
  data to and from Parasolid models.

Desktop Tools:
* ST-ACIS Translator -- desktop tool for translating STEP data to
  ACIS and vice versa.

* ST-Parasolid Translator -- desktop tool for translating STEP
  data to Parasolid and vice versa.

* ST-Viewer -- desktop tool to view, analyze and check the
  accuracy of STEP data.

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