[wg11] Draft V0.1 of EXPRESS-Driven Data as HDF5

David Price david.price at eurostep.com
Sun Apr 17 06:47:50 EDT 2005



Based on an initial workshop held at the Lillehammer ISO meeting, an initial
draft mapping for the representation of EXPRESS-driven data using HDF5 has
been developed. That document is available on the Web at:




The short-term plan developed at the Lillehammer meeting was as follows:


1 - Product initial draft specification

2 - Distribute draft specification for review

3 - Address any comments from review

4 - Find at least two groups willing to write proof-of-concept software
based on the specification

5 - Provide an example schema and example data for testing

6 - Exchange HDF5 files between the two groups to see if interoperability

7 - Report results at June ISO STEP meeting in Valencia


The project asks that experts interested in this topic, especially those
with HDF5 experience, review the specification and provide feedback over the
next 2-4 weeks. We would like to address any issues and produce another
draft, if necessary, so that software development can happen in time for
results to be presented at Valencia.


The specification is documented following the approach taken for many
open-source software projects hoping to provide better support for software
developers. It will, of course, be transcribed and reformatted into the
normal ISO wording and format for SC4 ballot.





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