Unused selects in SHTOLO

Ed Barkmeyer edbark at nist.gov
Tue Oct 14 08:33:29 EDT 2003

Dave Price asks:

> Are you asking for a change to the EXPRESS LRM itself or a change in the
> EXPRESS tools as a convenience?

I don't see how this request relates to the EXPRESS LRM.  I believe that the 
idea of a "long-form schema" is implicit in the definition of interfacing 
(clause 11) in 10303-11, not explicit.

And the effect that Rob asks for is not "local to a USE/REFERENCE statement"; 
rather it is global to the resulting "long-form" schema.  What we really mean 
is: "Include the things I include by name in any USE/REFERENCE statement, and 
then include anything else that would be implicitly interfaced by them, but 
nothing else."  I don't want the EXPRESS LRM to say anything like that.


P.S. I think this is another example of my favorite corollary to the Goedel 
theorem: "You can't get everything you want without getting things you don't want."

Edward J. Barkmeyer                       Email: edbark at nist.gov
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division
100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8260          Tel: +1 301-975-3528
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8260               FAX: +1 301-975-4694

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