Some more definitions for EXPRESS clause 3.3

Lothar Klein lothar.klein at
Wed Dec 18 11:48:16 EST 2002

In clause 13.3 "Assignment statement" we can find a definition of what
is a fundamental type:
"The fundamental type of a defined type is the fundamental type of the underlying type,
and the fundamental type of a type other than a defined type is the
type itself."

This should be moved to clause 3.3 so that it can be re-used by
implementation methods.
I think we already agreed to do this also for other types such as
"simple type"


// Lothar Klein, LKSoftWare GmbH
// Steinweg 1, 36093 Kuenzell, Germany
// +49 661 933933-0, Fax: -2
// url:

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