WG11 status

David Price david.price at eurostep.com
Fri Oct 19 12:05:13 EDT 2001

Hi Dave,

Just trying to make sure people keep clear that SUPERTYPE OF constraints do
not disappear in E2 which could be read into saying it was replaced by
SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT. "Deprecated" and "replaced" don't mean the same thing.
If there's never an EXPRESS 3 then SUPERTYPE OF being "deprecated" actually
has no impact at all.  That said, I imagine that once SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT is
implemented people will stop writing new SUPERTYPE OF constraints since the
new construct is technically superior.... that's why we added it!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Loffredo [mailto:loffredo at steptools.com]
> Sent: 2001 October 19 16:26
> To: david.price at eurostep.com
> Cc: wg11 at steptools.com
> Subject: Re: WG11 status
> >>>>> "David" == David Price <david.price at eurostep.com> writes:
> David> Just a note about an error in N179 and the new EXPRESS
> David> constructs.  The SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT does not "replace" the
> David> SUPERTYPE OF constraint. It performs the same function but
> David> SUPERTYPE OF remains valid for upward compatibility reasons.
> My understanding from Phil and subsequent reading of the document
> is that SUPERTYPE OF will be deprecated, i.e. replaced, don't use it,
> keep away, etc.
> 						- Dave

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