WG11 status

Dave Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Thu Oct 18 15:01:20 EDT 2001

Hi everybody, 

At the Fukuoka ISO meeting, three new items of business were
introduced that require your attention:

The first is the impact of the EXPRESS amendment on the other WG11
parts.  Dicussion of Part 21 and the SDAI bindings is summarized in
document wg11n179 (on SOLIS), but further input is needed from the
Part 25, Part 27, Part 28, and EXPRESS-X teams.  

Each of those teams need to look at the amendment and prepare a brief
evaluation of the impact.  Precise technical proposals are not needed
at the moment, just a statement of:

	- Anticipated quantity of document changes.  Would it require
	   an amendment or a new edition?   What clauses would likely
	   be affected?

	- Are the changes likely to be upward compatible?

	- Anticipated impact & cost for vendors and users?

The second item of business is that SC4 has created an ad-hoc
committee for assess of harvest of IAI spec.  WG11 has been directed
to nominate a representative to this committee by the end of month.
If you are willing to serve on this, let me know.

The third item of business is that SC4 passed a resolution directing
WG11 to prepare a NWI for conformance testing of the Part 28.  If you
are interested in working on this project, let me know.


					- Dave

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