Part28: schema population text from Part 21 Annex F

Dave Loffredo loffredo at
Mon Jul 23 10:45:58 EDT 2001

>>>>> "David" == David Price <david.price at> writes:

David> That's fine except that Dave may not have the chance. Geneva
David> often creates the IS with no SC4 involvement unless there are
David> ballot comment raised pointing out errors in the FDIS. Perhaps
David> a ballot comment, instead of a SEDS, would be the right thing
David> to submit?

Geneva wants me to create the IS.  They don't want to change
the headers from FDIS to IS and they had a couple of other minor
editorial things.  And correct me if I'm wrong, but there are no
ballot comments for an FDIS ... straight YES or NO.

						- Dave

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