[wg11-owl] Re: Paper: Criticism of the STEP Application Module approach

David Leal david.leal at caesarsystems.co.uk
Mon Jun 6 19:13:43 EDT 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Lothar's paper is very welcome, however it is more than a 'criticism of the
STEP application module approach'. Lothar's paper shows the problems that
are caused by the vague definitions of the concepts at the heart of STEP -
product, product category, product_definition_formation, and product_definition.

If we are to do anything with OWL, then we need concepts with precise
definitions. Lothar lists some concepts/terms that we should be able to
define, and suggests subclass-superclass relationships between them. What
about starting by defining these concepts, and creating a useful engineering

This could then be related to other ontologies such as the ISO 15926
ontology (using the useful OWL properties sameIndividualAs and sameClassAs).
Best regards,

p.s. Some existing definitions:

ISO 10303-1 defines the term *product* as 'a thing or substance produced by
a natural or artificial process'.

ISO 10303-41 ed-1 says 'A *product* is the identification and description,
in an application context, of a physically realisable object that is
produced by a process'.

ISO 10303-41 ed-2 says 'A *product* represents a product or class of products'.

ISO 10303-1017 says 'A *product* is the identification of a product or of a
type of product'.

(ISO 10303-41 also says 'A *person* is an individual human being'. The use
of 'is a' rather than 'represents a' or 'is the identification of' in this
case makes it easier to understand.)

At 23:06 05/06/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>Apologies for double postings.
>As promised please find attached a first draft of the paper
>  "Criticism of the STEP Application Module approach"
>as input for the discussions at the SC4 meeting in Valencia.
>For open e-mail discussions please use only modules at tc184-sc4.org (but not
WG3 and WG12).
>See you in Valencia
>// Lothar Klein, LKSoftWare GmbH
>// Steinweg 1, 36093 Kuenzell, Germany
>// +49 661 933933-0, Fax: -2
>// url: http://www.lksoft.com
>Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\WG12-N3776 Criticism of the STEP
Application Module approach.pdf

David Leal
CAESAR Systems Limited
29 Somertrees Avenue
Lee London SE12 0BS
Tel:      +44 (0)20 8857 1095
e-mail:   david.leal at caesarsystems.co.uk
web site: http://www.caesarsystems.co.uk

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