Part 25 EXPRESS/UML/XMI Update

David Price david.price at
Tue May 15 19:09:49 EDT 2001

Thought I should send an update on what's going on with Part 25.

Based on the decisions made in October (yes October!) and conflicts between
EXPRESS and UML that are fixed in UML 1.4 we need to publish Part 25 based
on the not-yet-standardized UML 1.4.  All the previous document referenced
UML 1.3. I've been working through all the changes that are required and
expect to have a completed document ready before San Francisco assuming I
can get some example UML diagrams generated. This does not result in that
many technical changes to the mapping except in the area of ordered
aggregations and one change in the metamodel of UML eliminating the
ElementOwnership class. One nice thing is that the idea of a UML Interchange
Metamodel is introduced in UML 1.4 for both XMI and IDL use. It also means
XMI 1.1 can be used where the XML element names use Namespaces making the
file much more readable.

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