[step-manufacturing] Minutes of last conference call (on June 6) before June 14 demonstration in Stockholm

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Thu Jun 7 10:30:19 EDT 2012

Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, USA
David Loffredo, STEP Tools, USA
Joe Fritz, STEP Tools, USA
Mikael Hedlind, KTH, Sweden
Christer WIckman, KTH, Sweden
Leon Xu, Boeing, USA
Ronnie Fesperman, NIST, USA
Fred Proctor, NIST, USA
Vincent Marchini, Ameritech, USA
Alain Brail, Airbus (retired), France
Doron Cohen, ISCAR, Israel
Bob Erickson, Pratt & Whitney, USA
Aydin Nassehi, University of Bath, UK

This was the last conference call before the June 14th demonstration at 
KTH in Sweden. Any last minute registrations can go to the following web 
site. The STEP Manufacturing team is staying at the Scandic Malmen hotel.


We will be demonstrating how to predict machining accuracy, how to 
assemble tools and fixtures from libraries, and how to build virtual 
holographic factories.

The conference call reviewed the action items from the previous 
conference call.

1. Ronnie to complete testing of the KTH  ASME B59.2 data
NIST has tested the AMSE B59.2 data made by KTH using their Matlab 
software. Some required attributes were missing but these could all be 
given default values. The most significant missing attribute being an 
incline direction for non-orthogonal machines such as the nutating DMU 
70 at NIST.

2. Martin to check with Doron on delivery date cutting tool item
The cutting tool items were delivered to the wrong building by the 
American delivery service.

3. STEP Tools to process kinematics for tool changer and fixture
STEP Tools gave a demonstration of the tool changer kinematics. The 
cylindrical pair kinematics are not yet complete. So the part can rotate 
but not move up and down. This requires an extension to the 
infrastructure that is currently implemented. The individual movements 
now need to be put into a sequence to complete the tool change. The 
necessary data is in the STEP file and the implementation is being given 
high priority. A test harness with two sample data sets has been made 
available on the STEP Tools web site.


4. KTH to add fixtures to STEP-NC data
No progress was made on this item since the last telecon.

5. KTH to complete tool assembly data
KTH has made a cutting tool STEP file to match the word documentation 
presented at the last meeting. The file is an assembly, the mating 
constraints for the assembly and the cutting dimensions for the 
machining process are defined by semantic tolerances, the features and 
properties are classified using the ISO 13399 standard and associated to 
the semantic tolerances and features.


The assembly is a single file. STEP Tools will now write experimental 
software to divide this file into multiple components that can be 
inserted into the cutting tool libraries of Sandvik, ISCAR and Scania. 
The key requirement is to retain the semantic tolerance information for 
the assembly when the underlying components defining the constrained 
geometric items are in different files.

STEP Tools has updated the draft specification that it will be using for 
this implementation using the feedback received from the CAX-IF. The 
Monday afternoon sessions in Stockholm will examine the pros and cons of 
extending the STEP file formats (Parts 21 & 28) to better manage 
symbolic references between STEP files.


6. KTH to add additional properties to machine tool for acceleration 
etc. to the machine tool model
No progress was made on this item since the last telecon.

7. KTH to document machine tool properties
No progress was made on this item since the last telecon.

8. Magnus to make force measurements for Leon's tool force/deflection 
and direction prediction
The first machining tests have been made and the results are being sent 
to Boeing to enable the force prediction.

9. Bengt to make further clarifications to cutting tool documentation 
No progress was made on this item since the last telecon. KTH needs 
additional input.

The team leader failed to make a recording of this conference call. The 
date of the first conference call in the next series will be broadcast 
using this exploder when ready. The tentative date for the next 
demonstration is Thursday September 13th at the IMTS show. The scope of 
this demonstration will be determined at the Stockholm meeting. The 
initial thoughts are that it should involve showing the machine tool, 
cutting tool and fixture vendors how to enable the automated assembly of 
manufacturing solutions from data in their libraries.

Martin Hardwick
Team Leader ISO STEP-Manufacturing

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