[step-manufacturing] Minutes of Conference Call #17

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Mon May 24 11:35:35 EDT 2010

Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, USA
David Loffredo, STEP Tools, USA
Fred Proctor, NIST, USA
Magnus Lundgren, KTH, Sweden
Fiona Zhao, NIST,/New Zealand
Bob Erickson, Pratt & Whitney, USA
David Odendahl, Boeing, USA
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik, Sweden
Alain Brail, AlBavis,  France
Chris Pfeifer CCAT, USA
Larry Maggiano, Mitutoyo, USA
Leon Xu, Boeing, USA
Aydin Nassehi, U.Bath, UK
Vincent Marchini, Ameritech, USA
Thomas Breunung, Walter AG, Germany
Anglea Albus, TDM Systems, Germany

_Apologies for Absence_
Stephen Newman, U.Bath, UK
Anna Valente, ITIA-CNR, Italy
Sid Venkatesh, Boeing, USA
Ian Stroud, Switzerland
Mikael Hedlind, KTH, Sweden

NIST and Boeing machined Boxy over the weekend and found the following 
new issues:

1. No entry operations for the pocketing.
2. Insufficient milling to detect tool wear.
3. Peck drilling operations not coded correctly.
4. Operation repeated in drill pattern
5. Workpiece faces not shown in setup coordinates.

A new version of Boxy has been produced to fix the first two issues. It 
has new operation for the tool entry and it mills the pockets using a 
shorter tool to get more wear.


The second two issues need to be fixed by correcting the STEP-NC export 
dll for Mastercam.

The last issue triggered some discussion. The STEP-NC Explorer used to 
show the coordinates of a face in Part (CAD) coordinates. If it showed 
them in Setup coordinates then the operator could use the position of a 
face to determine the offset values that should be loaded into the 
machine tool registers to set the coordinate system for the machining. 
STEP Tools has produced a new version of the STEP-NC Explorer to show 
these coordinates.


We discussed the tool requirements model. We determined that the model 
needs to include a boolean requirement (yes/no) to indicate if the tool 
will be required to perform center drilling. We also decided that the 
model needs to be updated to include a recommended number of flutes.

We briefly reviewed the closed loop machining model. We will update the 
model to show the connection between the measurement operations and the 
measurement results. We also discussed a proposed scenario for testing 
closed loop machining at the demonstrations after NIST. The scenario 
calls for a Modular Foundry Language to communicate data between data 
assembly, CMM measurement, and CNC machining processes. A prototype for 
the language has been developed and put onto the ftp site.


Boeing will machine boxy again this weekend and give feedback on the 
next conference call.

The next call will be at the regular times on *Wednesday May 26*.

A partial recording of the conference call  #16 (before Bengt got on the 
train) is now on the ftp site. The full recording of this call is also 


Martin Hardwick
Team Leader STEP-Manufacturing

Action Items
Fred to update tool requirements model
Fiona to update closed loop machining model
Boeing  to machine Boxy
STEP Tools to update the STEP-NC Explorer to show workpiece coordinates 
in setup space
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