[step-manufacturing] Feedback on seven setup boxy

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Wed Apr 28 16:35:41 EDT 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: [step-manufacturing] Reminder: Conference call this 
Wednesday -STEP Manufacturing #13
Date: 	Wed, 28 Apr 2010 13:26:55 -0700
From: 	Frei, Lynn M CIV PSNS Shop 31T, Code 930 <lynn.frei at navy.mil>
To: 	Martin Hardwick <hardwick at steptools.com>

Hi Martin,

I had a chance last night at home to download and run the seven step 'boxy'.  It took a few tries to get the fixture turned on and slow the thing down enough to see what was happening (haven't used the software in months).  The process appears much improved.  I see that the workpiece is in the center of the vise and from what I saw it looks like the need for the machinists square was eliminated.

Good job team - makes me want to build a 'boxy'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hardwick [mailto:hardwick at steptools.com]
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:47
To: Frei, Lynn M CIV PSNS Shop 31T, Code 930
Subject: Re: [step-manufacturing] Reminder: Conference call this Wednesday -STEP Manufacturing #13


No PowerPoint yet.


On 4/26/2010 1:38 PM, Frei, Lynn M CIV PSNS Shop 31T, Code 930 wrote:

	Thanks for the feedback.  My IT folks won't allow me to download step NC machine to my workstation here at the shipyard - I used to have a laptop with it installed but had to turn it in.  Is there a power point of the new method?  I'll forward the '*.238' files home where I can download and run the program.
	-----Original Message-----
	From: Martin Hardwick [mailto:hardwick at steptools.com]
	Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:47
	To: Frei, Lynn M CIV PSNS Shop 31T, Code 930
	Subject: Re: [step-manufacturing] Reminder: Conference call this Wednesday -STEP Manufacturing #13
	Hi Lynn,
	The team took your comments very seriously and have developed a new 7 setup version of Boxy that does not require the part to be placed at the end of the fixture.
	I am sure they will be interested to hear any comments you have about the new version.
	On 4/14/2010 9:24 AM, Frei, Lynn M CIV PSNS Shop 31T, Code 930 wrote:
		Good morning Martin,
		It is good to be part of your email distribution list and see how the work is progressing.
		I couldn't help but comment on the NIST PowerPoint.
		The use of the machinist square in the set up is unusual and potentially problematic (requires a visual judgment and can be difficult to manipulate).  Normally the work would be placed in the center of the vise keeping all of the clamping forces centered on the work.  When the work is positioned to one side the clamping forces will be greater on the edge of the work closest to the center of the vise.  When the square is used as illustrated the surfaces of the top and bottom surfaces of the boxy may not end up parallel.  Normally the 'boxy' would be placed centered in the vise with the bottom surface of the work tapped firmly against the vise and a cut taken on the top surface.  I like to accomplish squaring the block the other direction by taking a reference cut in the 'Y' axis by side milling with an end mill then inverting the block with the reference surface down in the vise resting on a parallel or dowel.  The top surface of the block can now be machined resulting in a
		urface that is square with the other surfaces using only the vise and machine tool geometry to provide the squaring action.  Remove the parallel invert the block and skim the entire surface (the one with the machined reference).  All surfaces are now square.
		This is how I would do it conventionally but the method could be applied to CNC by accomplishing other work in each setup.
		Input from an old Toolmaker :)
		Keep up the great work!
		-----Original Message-----
		From: step-manufacturing-bounces at steptools.com [mailto:step-manufacturing-bounces at steptools.com] On Behalf Of Martin Hardwick
		Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 14:19
		To: step-manufacturing at steptools.com
		Subject: [step-manufacturing] Reminder: Conference call this Wednesday -STEP Manufacturing #13
		NIST has made some slides showing the results of their dry run testing.
		The latest Boxy data is
		The latest STEP-NC Explorer is v8.39
		-------- Original Message --------
		Subject: 	[step-manufacturing] Conference call this Wednesday - STEP Manufacturing #13	
		Date: 	Mon, 12 Apr 2010 08:40:40 -0400	
		From: 	Martin Hardwick<hardwick at steptools.com>  <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>   <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>  <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>    <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>  <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>   <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>  <mailto:hardwick at steptools.com>    	
		Organization: 	STEP Tools, Inc.	
		To: 	step-manufacturing at steptools.com<step-manufacturing at steptools.com>  <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>   <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>  <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>    <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>  <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>   <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>  <mailto:step-manufacturing at steptools.com>    	
		The regular conference call is this Wednesday. The proposed agenda is as follows:
		1. Review of dry run machining
		2. Review of the HiPP model
		3. Review of Schedule
		March 03    - Tool and material selection
		March 17    - Verification of Boxy with 1/2 inch tooling
		March 31    - Test run of feed/speed optimization algorithms
		April 14      - Participants complete dry runs
		April 28      - Participants machine in wax
		May 12      - Test run of tool wear measurement algorithms
		May 26      - First round of on machine testing
		June 9        - Finalize program for the NIST meeting and demonstration
		Martin Hardwick
		Team Leader
		The bi-weekly conference call is this Wednesday April 14 at 4:30PM France, 10:30AM Eastern and 7:30AM Western . See below for connection information.
		1.  Please join the meeting:
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