[step-manufacturing] Minutes of sixth conference call

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Tue Jun 10 14:27:16 EDT 2008

Alain Brail, Airbus
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik
Mikael Hedlind, KTH
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.
Fred Proctor, NIST
Sid Venkatesh, Boeing
David Odendahl, Boeing
Leon Xu, Boeing
Xia Li, RPI

Apologies for absence
Matthew Lloyd, CCAT
Larry Maggiano, Mitutoyo
Peter Klein, Concepts Nrec

STEP-NC probing operations have been made from the Concepts Nrec 
data. There was a discussion on how the probing points should be 
communicated to the FARO arm and it was decided to put the data into 
a CSV spreadsheet file.

There was discussion on when the first dry runs of the machining and 
measurement can begin. Boeing will investigate whether a test part 
can be made and measured in foam in July.

There was a discussion on the feed speed optimization parameters for 
plunge milling and turning. For plunge milling it is necessary to 
measure the key parameter in angular units which implies that a new 
curve must be added to the STEP-NC data for this type of milling 
optimization. For turning. a new diagram has been made showing the 
relationship of the parameters to the axis or rotation. NIST will 
review the new diagram.

The next conference call will be on Wednesday June 18.

Action items
Fred Proctor to review parameters for turning with NIST optimization experts
Martin Hardwick to implement software to export desired number of 
probe points in CSV file.
Bengt Olsson to send ISO 13399 data for the cutting tools to Boeing
Sid Venkatesh to determine if first machining and measurement tests 
can be scheduled in July.

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