[step-manufacturing] SC4 resolution on machining and measurement

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Wed Jul 11 09:07:44 EDT 2007


The closing session of the SC4 meeting in Ibuski included the 
following resolution:

Recognizing the success of the demonstrations at the Toulouse and 
Ibusuki meetings, SC 4 requests its Secretariat to invite additional 
countries to join France, Japan, Sweden, UK and USA in the planning, 
machining and measurement demonstration to be given in Dallas, with a 
deadline for response of 2007-09-15

If you would like to know more about the Ibusuki demonstration there 
is a web site with videos at: 
http://www.steptools.com/library/stepnc/2007_ibusuki/. The plan is 
for as many sites as possible to make and measure the part before the 
Dallas meeting so that we can demonstrate support for the STEP-NC 
standard by end-users to the CAM and CNC vendors. Please contact me 
if you would like more information.

Martin Hardwick
Team Leader ISO STEP-Manufacturing

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