Schedule for STEP-NC meeting

Announcements from STEP Tools, Inc. st-announce at
Wed Sep 17 18:03:07 EDT 2008

Dear Friends of STEP,

There is just one more week to register for the 
upcoming STEP-NC meeting in Hartford. The 
schedule for the meeting is shown below. We hope 
you will be able to join us. The invitation and 
registration forms can be found at the following URL's.

Martin Hardwick
Team Leader STEP-Manufacturing

Demonstration Day 1 –  Wednesday October 1

08:00AM                    Welcome
                                     Brian Kindiien, CCAT.
08:15AM                    Introduction
                                     Sid Venkatesh, Boeing.
08:30AM                    Review of Latest STEP-NC Developments
                                     Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.
09:30AM                    Feed Speed Optimization
                                     Leon Xu, Boeing.
10:00AM                    Introduction to Rough Machining demonstration
                                     Bengt Olsson, Sandvik

10:30AM                    Break while rough machining continues

11:00AM                    Finish Machining of first blade
                                     Peter Klein, Concepts Nrec.
11:30AM                    Closed loop 
measurement of first blade using Faro ARM
                                     Sid Venkatesh, Boeing
12:00PM                    Generation of corrected toolpaths
                                     Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.

12:30PM                    Lunch

01:30PM                    Finish machining of second blade
                                     David Odendahl, Boeing
02:00PM                    Closed loop 
measurement of second blade using Faro ARM
                                     Sid Venkatesh, Boeing
02:30PM                    Final inspection using scanning probe
                                     Larry Maggiano, Mitutoyo

03:30PM                    Break

04:00PM                    Panel discussion – Top 10 value adds for STEP-NC
Venkatesh Boeing, Martin Hardwick STEP Tools
                                     Fred Proctor NIST, Bengt Olsson Sandvik
Maggiano Mitutoyo, Brian Kindilein CCAT

Technical Discussions Day 2 - Thursday October 2nd

08:00AM                    Review of AP-238 Technical Corrigendum
                                     David Loffredo, STEP Tools, Inc

09:00AM                    Discussion of open issues
                                     Desirable extensions
                                     New work items
                                     Action items

10:00AM                    Break

10:30AM                    Interfacing ISO 13399 and STEP-NC
                                     Action items
                                     Bengt Ollson, Sandvik

12:00PM                    Lunch

01:00PM                    Machine tool modeling and simulation issues
                                     Performance and precision requirements
                                     Action items

02:00PM                    Measurement issues
                                     Curve probing
                                     Automating datum setup
                                     Tool wear compensation
                                     Action items

03:00PM                    Break

03:30PM                    Plans for next meeting
                                     Location, schedule, technical targets

04:00PM                    Close of meeting
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