Minutes of 8th telcon on AP-238 CC1 testing

st-announce at steptools.com st-announce at steptools.com
Sun Jan 23 18:31:42 EST 2005

Minutes of the AP-238 CC1 Testing Telcon on January 21st. 

STEP Tools has translated the CATIA APT-CL, Mastercam and GibbsCAM data to the TCP codes of the 840D and Fanuc 30i. However the translation is not as smooth as it should be. For the Fanuc 30i the process of loading the resulting codes into the CNC needs to be made smoother. For the 840D we need
to decide if we want to include NIST macro's for tool changing in the code. Further testing is needed particularly for 5-axis data from NX CAM.

The agenda for the Friday meeting was modified to include more time for a discussion of follow-on testing. In particular the review of AP-238 CC1 will be completed in the first session to give time for a review of CC2, CC3 and CC4 in the second session. The modified schedule is as follows:

Session 1: 8AM to 10AM 
Review of how the demonstration was implemented 
	What tools were used to implement the demonstration 
	What were the lessons learned 
Review of the AP-238 CC1 OMAC subset 
	What was required by the standard 
	What was recommended for the OMAC subset

Session 2: 10:30AM to Noon 
Review of AP-238 
	What else can be added to the subset from CC1 
	What else can be added from CC2, CC3 and CC4
Next demonstration 

Session 3: 1PM to 2PM 
Review of action items

Action Items
* The team will assemble at 4PM on Wednesday to begin testing.
* Sid Venkatesh will send telephone numbers to Chen Han Lee
  who cannot get to the meeting until 6:30 (approx) on Wednesday.
* Boeing will make a version of its CDS data in UGS.
* NIST will investigate if it can machine more test parts before
  the meeting.
* STEP will ship the simulators to Orlando on Friday 1/28
* John Witco will generate a process report for the GibbsCAM data.
* David Odendahl will bring a production part and the cds part to
  the meeting.

Meeting Attendees: 
Fred Proctor NIST 
David Longenbach, Caterpillar 
Sid Venkatesh and Mauro Costas, Boeing Seattle 
Ming Lui, Boeing Wichita
David Odendahl Boeing Tulsa 
John Witco, GDLS 
John Callen, GibbsCAM
Chen Han Lee, UGS 
Mark Cote, Pratt and Whitney 
Martin Hardwick and David Loffredo STEP Tools

Apologies for absence: 
Carol Tierney, General Dynamics Land Systems 
Donald Trotter, Siemens
Dan Hanson, Rock Island Arsenal

The next telcon will be held on Friday January 28th at 2PM Eastern. 
As recorded by Martin Hardwick on January 21, 2004.

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