STEP Tools News for Monday June 14

Martin Hardwick hardwick at
Mon Jun 14 16:47:24 EDT 1999

This weekly newsletter is a brief update of what is going on in STEP
and at STEP Tools, Inc.  If you want to know more, try the STEP Tools
web site (

ISO News from Norway

Lots of good things happened last week in Norway.

1. A new Part 50 was added to the Integrated Resources. The part
   describes an information model for expressions.

2. The second release of the Integrated Resource reached sufficient
   maturity to allow AP-214 (Automotive Design) and AP-212 (cable
   wire harness) to begin their Draft International Standard ballot.

3. The Japanese delegation gave a very impressive AP-202 (Associative
   Draughting) demonstration.

4. AP-227 (Process Plant Design) Translators will soon exist for
   Integraph and CAD Center in addition to the translators currently
   existing for Bentley and CATIA.

5. AP-225 (Building Structures) is being adopted aggressively by
   building owners to help them with facility management.  If the
   owner is a government then they want the data to be in STEP because
   they do not want to favor a particular vendor.

STEP Tools News from Norway

STEP Tools is now the editor for the Part 21 amendment and
the SDAI C binding (Part 24).

The EXPRESS-X meeting was very short (one day) because all the
remaining technical issues were quickly resolved. A draft of the CD
ballot documentation will be reviewed at New Orleans and sent out for
ballot soon after.

Several people took advantage of our offer of free evaluation
software and installed copies of ST-Developer and ST-Visualizer
on their machines.

News Releases on our Home Page

The following news releases have been added to our home page at

  STEP Tools Translator for Shipbuilding - June 3, 1999 
  STEP Tools Translator for OLE - June 1, 1999 
  STEP Tools Translator in Japan - May 28, 1999 
  STEP Tools Translator in CADKEY 98 - May 24, 1999 

Translation Service

Period Covered: Sun Jun  6 03:25:02 1999 -- Sun Jun 13 03:25:02 1999
Total usage: 49
Successful usage: 44 (89%)
Errors: 5 (10%)

Translator	total	errors	success rate

acis-ap203	12	0	100%
ap203-acis	21	4	80%
ap203-vrml	1	0	100%
ap203check	2	0	100%
expfront2	1	0	100%
express2html	2	0	100%
gifviz		1	0	100%
step-para	4	1	75%
step2xml	2	0	100%
steptoimage	3	0	100%

All-Time stats

Period Covered: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969 -- Sun Jun 13 03:25:18 1999
Total usage: 4444
Successful usage: 3895 (87%)
Errors: 549 (12%)

Translator	total	errors	success rate

acis-ap203	942	46	95%
ap203-acis	1613	168	89%
ap203-stl	113	41	63%
ap203-vrml	388	103	73%
ap203-xml	87	18	79%
ap203check	224	18	91%
expfront	124	17	86%
expfront2	96	0	100%
express2html	266	2	99%
expxfront	11	1	90%
gifviz		172	47	72%
iges-ap202	10	0	100%
para-step	18	11	38%
sp203-xml	13	2	84%
step-para	17	3	82%
step2xml	94	13	86%
steptoimage	233	51	78%
xml2step	23	8	65%

Welcome New and Repeat Customers!

The following customers purchased tools in April or May.

Aerospace Industrial Development Corp.	step	WIN	activ
British Aerospace, Ltd.			java	SOLARISactiv
Delphi Delco Electronics			step	WIN	activ
ESPRI Concept					visua	WIN	eval
ESPRI Concept					step	SGI	activ
ESPRI Concept                            step   HP     activ
ETH - Swiss Federal Instute of Technolo  java   WIN    activ
Entity Systems                           step   WIN    activ
Entity Systems                           acisl  WIN    activ
Exapt Systemtechnik GmbH                 step   WIN    eval
IAI                                      step   WIN    eval
Inha University                          ostor  SOLARI activ
JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory          visua  WIN    eval
National Cheng Kung University           step   WIN    activ
Ohio University                          java   SGI    activ
PSA                                      step   WIN    activ
PSA                                      step   SOLARI activ
Rockwell Collins                         expx   WIN    activ
Rockwell Collins                         expx   WIN    activ
Rockwell Collins                         expx   AXP-OS activ
Rockwell International                   expx   HP     activ
Sundstrand Aerospace                     acis   WIN    eval
Unigraphics Solutions                    step   HP     activ
Unigraphics Solutions                    step   HP     activ
Unigraphics Solutions                    step   SOLARI activ
University of Patras                     expx   WIN    activ
University of Patras                     java   WIN    activ
University of Ulsan                      step   WIN    activ
Valeo Thermique Moteur                   acis   WIN    eval

step = ST-Developer						
java = ST-J Adaptor				
expx = Express X Transition pack
acisl = ST-ACIS Library
visua = ST-Visualizer
acis = ST-ACIS Translator

maintenance renewals:
ESPRI Concept
ETH - Swiss Federal Instute of Technology
National Chung Hsing University
Open Systems Inc.
Raytheon Company
Software House International
US Army Corp of Engineers

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