STEP Tools News for Tuesday June 1

Martin Hardwick hardwick at
Tue Jun 1 14:29:25 EDT 1999

This weekly newsletter is a brief update of what is going on in STEP
and at STEP Tools, Inc.  If you want to know more, try the STEP Tools
web site (

There will be no newsletter next week because of the ISO meeting.

EXPRESS-X Documents

Two new documents on EXPRESS-X have been added to our web site. The
first is the new Language Reference Manual. The second is a tutorial
that explains how to use EXPRESS-X to map database information into
business objects.

The new language reference manual contains the features added to
EXPRESS-X at the San Francisco meeting last January.

The tutorial manual contains examples that illustrate the features
of EXPRESS-X to new users. The material was taken from an unfinished
book on STEP. The tutorial manual is also unfinished because it only
shows how to map database information into business objects. In the
near future it will be updated with a second chapter to show how
business objects can be used to update a database.

ST-Visualizer OLE/COM Interface

Version 3.0 of the ST-Visualizer will include an OLE/COM interface.
An application program can use the interface to select parts and
geometries for highlighting in the geometry and product structure
windows. In the other direction, the interface can be used to find the
STEP identity of items that have been highlighted by the user, so that
additional information about those items can be displayed by an
application program.

Evaluations in Lillehammer

We are going to bring evaluation versions of ST-Developer and the new
ST-Visualizer to the Lillehammer meeting. Anyone who wants try one or
both of them can install them onto their PC and use them for up to two
weeks after the meeting.

How to Implement STEP Translators

June 15-18: If you are planning a project with STEP geometry, consider
our upcoming translator training class. This class will be held
in the STEP Tools offices in Troy, New York.	 

Translation Service

Period Covered: Sun May 23 03:25:02 1999 -- Sun May 30 03:25:02 1999
Total usage: 71
Successful usage: 56 (78%)
Errors: 15 (21%)

Translator	total	errors	success rate

acis-ap203	14	0	100%
ap203-acis	16	3	81%
ap203-stl	2	0	100%
ap203-vrml	3	2	33%
ap203check	7	0	100%
expfront2	3	0	100%
gifviz		7	2	71%
para-step	9	7	22%
step-para	4	1	75%
step2xml	4	0	100%
steptoimage	2	0	100%

All-Time stats

Period Covered: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969 -- Sun May 30 03:25:17 1999
Total usage: 4326
Successful usage: 3788 (87%)
Errors: 538 (12%)

Translator	total	errors	success rate

acis-ap203	921	45	95%
ap203-acis	1573	162	89%
ap203-stl	113	41	63%
ap203-vrml	385	103	73%
ap203-xml	87	18	79%
ap203check	216	18	91%
expfront	124	17	86%
expfront2	94	0	100%
express2html	261	2	99%
expxfront	11	1	90%
gifviz		69	47	72%
iges-ap202	10	0	100%
para-step	17	11	35%
sp203-xml	13	2	84%
step-para	9	2	77%
step2xml	86	10	88%
steptoimage	214	51	76%
xml2step	23	8	65%


Resellers for STEP Tools products are available in the following
geographic areas.  Please contact us if you would like further

--North America
	Integrated Engineering Solutions, Iowa City IA
	Espri Concept, Sophia Antipolis Cedex
	EuroSTEP GmbH, Bad Aibling
	Applied Logistics, Moscow
	EuroSTEP AB, Stockholm
--United Kingdom
	EuroSTEP UK, Denbigh
	C-STEP, Beijing
	Open Systems, Inc., Tokyo
	Mani Information Systems, Inc.
	Exartech International Corp., Taipei
	Axxon Technology, Taipei
	INTEXS International,Virgina Beach Va.
	Logistics Pty Ltd., Victoria

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