Weekly Newsletter

Jochen Fritz jfritz at steptools.com
Mon Apr 27 14:29:23 EDT 1998

== STEP Tools Weekly Newsletter -- 20 Apr 1998

This weekly newsletter is a brief update of what is going on in STEP
and at STEP Tools, Inc.  If you want to know more, try the STEP Tools
web site (http://www.steptools.com) or the contact for each article.

SDAI Java Demonstrations

I give a graduate class at RPI on engineering database systems every
other Spring. I always get them to do a STEP programming exercise, but
in the past the results were dissapointing because learning STEP while
programming in C++ was too challenging for most students. This year
was different.  The students wrote their programs using the SDAI Java
and in just two weeks they were able to implement some impressive
demonstrations.  See http://www.steptools.com/edb98

EXPRESS Tutorial to have a Nautical Flavor

Several of the students registered for the April 28 EXPRESS tutorial
are interested in the SHIP AP's (AP216, 217, 218 and 226).  Therefore,
the tutorial will have a nautical flavor. Students who do do not know
about ships may be able to get a tax break for seeing the Titanic :-)
For information contact Chuck Stark at stark at scra.org

STEP-NC Demonstration

Attendance at the STEP NC workshop on April 29 is going to be
good. Early registrants include representatives from the Aerospace,
Automotive, Supply Chain and Standards communities.  For more
information contact Paula Popson at paula at rdrc.rpi.edu.

Translation Service Statistics

The following is a usage summary for our translation service this week.
For more information see http://www.steptools.com/translate

    Period Covered: Apr 12-19 1998
    Total usage: 35
    Sucessful usage: 25 (71%)
    Errors: 10 (28%)

Our Products

Many of you have one of our products and may be interested to find
out about others. If you are interested in classes, consulting
or any of the products listed please contact info at steptools.com

* ST-Developer is a set of programming tools for manipulating STEP data.
* ST-Database Adaptors is a set of programming tools for moving STEP
  data into and out of database systems. 
* ST-EXPRESS is a set of desktop tools to visualize EXPRESS schemas.
* ST-ACIS is a set of programming and desktop tools for translating
  ACIS solid models.
* ST-Visualizer is a desktop tool to view and analyze STEP files.
* ST-WebPublisher is a set of programming tools to put STEP data onto
  World Wide Web pages and into Java applets.

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