Weekly Newsletter

Jochen Fritz jfritz at steptools.com
Mon Apr 27 14:28:30 EDT 1998

== STEP Tools Weekly Newsletter -- 13 Apr 1998

This is the first weekly newsletter from STEP Tools, Inc. The purpose
of this newsletter is to give you quick update on what is going on in
STEP and at STEP Tools, Inc.

We will keep this brief because no one has much time for reading
letters like this one. If you want to know more, try the STEP Tools,
Inc. web site at http://www.steptools.com or the contact name given
for the brief.

Dr. David Loffredo  

David got his Ph.D from RPI last Friday. His thesis was on "Efficient
Implementation of EXPRESS Models". We will put a copy of his thesis
onto our web site shortly. If you are interested in SDAI databases
then you may want to take a look because he defines three benchmarks
for these databases: PartStone, BOMStone and NURBStone. He also reports
on the results of applying these benchmarks to ORACLE and ObjectStore.

AP-203 Mystery Programs

This section of our web site contains a set of programs that take
the "mystery" out of AP203 by giving working code to create various
parts of the AP203 standard. This week we have added programs to
create assemblies and to list the bill of materials in an assembly.

EXPRESS Tutorial at April IPO

Martin Hardwick will be giving a one day tutorial on EXPRESS at the
upcoming IPO meeting at NIST in Gaithersburg on April 28. The tutorial
is very good value at $400 per student (a regular two day class at STEP
Tools, Inc. costs $1000). For information and registration contact
Chuck Stark at stark at scra.org

STEP-NC Demonstration

A demonstration of a STEP interface for Machine Controllers is going
to be given at RPI on April 29. For more information contact Paula
Popson at paula at rdrc.rpi.edu.

Translation Service Statistics

The following is a summary of the success and failure of our
translation service this week at http://www.steptools.com/translate

  Period Covered: Sun Apr  5 03:25:02 1998 -- Sun Apr 12 03:25:02 1998
  Total usage: 20
  Sucessful usage: 18 (90%)
  Errors: 2 (10%)


Boeing Shared Services (ST-Developer AND ST-Oracle, Unix, new)
Boeing Shared Services (3 ST-Developer, UNIX, renewal)
Georgia Institute of Technology (ST-ObjectStore, Windows)
Hitachi Works (ST-Developer, Unix, thru OSI)
ITESM Campus Monterrey (ST-Developer, UNIX, renewal)
Information Interchange Inc. (ST-EXPRESS)
Jacobus Technologies (ST-Developer, Win, renewal)
Los Alamos National Lab. (ST-Developer, ST-ObjectStore, UNIX, renewal)
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbldg. (ST-Developer, UNIX, thru OSI)
National Taipei Univ. of Sci. & Tech (ST-Oracle, Win, thru Axon)
Ohio University (ST-Developer, UNIX, new)
Ohio University (ST-Developer, UNIX, renewal)
RAM Tech (ST-ACIS Translator, Windows)
Sherpa Corp (ST-Developer, Win, renewal)
Tecnomatix Machining (ST-Developer, UNIX, renewal)
Toyo Engineering (2 ST-Developer, Win, renewals, thru OSI)
Tsinghua Univ. (ST-Developer, Unix, thru C-STEP)
Xeno Technix (ST-Developer, Windows)

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