[wg11] WG11 Sessions in Stockholm

David Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Thu May 10 14:17:05 EDT 2012

Hi all,

Below is the tentative schedule of meetings for Stockholm.

   Monday June 11 - 10:30am to noon - WG11 Plenary
   Monday June 11 - 1pm - 5pm - Joint Meeting on External Referencing

I have scheduled a plenary session at the traditional time to discuss
SEDS on EXPRESS, the possibility of another TC to EXPRESS ed1, and
any new business that comes up.

Later in the day I have scheduled a joint session to discuss ways WG11
can assist with externally referenced data in APs.  STEP CAD files
with externally referenced shape are now more widely used, and several
groups are looking at splitting other types of AP data across multiple
files (PMI, kinematics, machining process, cutting tools).  To date,
this has been handled at the information model level, but there may be
infrastructure things that WG11 can do to help.  T24 and LOTAR have
been invited, other groups with an interest are welcome.

Best regards,

					- Dave (WG11 Convener)

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