FW: Part 25 EXPRESS to UML mapping ballot response review

David Price david.price at eurostep.com
Fri Feb 28 03:37:01 EST 2003


Peter Bergstrom asked two good questions so I thought I'd forward
answers to all. See below.

> What are your intentions regarding getting the last issue 
> resolved, and then publishing P25? Are you planning to have a 
> session at the next STEP meeting?

I would like for people to reply in email whether they agree with the
"lean mapping" idea or not. If the majority don't want to add it then,
Part 25 is basically done and we'd start the review process for ballot.
If the majority do like it then there's work to do. It may be that the
comment author can provide a specific proposal and if everyone is happy,
then we can do it all by email. If nobody can provide a specific
proposal but people still want to add it then we might need a meeting.

> Do you care to explain to me why the lean mapping technically violates

Even in the ballot comment it says "The Set-of-X, List-of-Y, and
Array-of-Z classes do not derive from any declared type in the EXPRESS
schema.  Granted, the standard UML 1.4 metamodel for attributes does not
distinguish arrays, sets, and lists and does not support
multi-dimensional constructs.".


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