Availability of Express2 specifications

Dave Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Mon Jul 1 16:43:08 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Pascal" == Pascal Huau <pascalhuau at goset.asso.fr> writes:

Pascal> in order to complete on-time the PDM modules, the module
Pascal> developers have an urgent need of the specifications of
Pascal> Express Ed2.  At Stockholm, your group committed to Deliver
Pascal> the short-to-long annex by June 28th.  Do you have news about
Pascal> this annex? When is it actually available?

Jochen Haenisch (the editor) contacted me last wednesday to say that
he had begun working on the annex, but that it was not ready.  I leave
it to him to respond to this note with a revised schedule.

He sent me some partial text for the annex, which I will forward to
the WG11 list in a following message.  It is not a complete draft of
the amendment, but may offer some chance for early feedback.

Pascal> In addition, could you please provide me a draft of the complete 
Pascal> Express2 document (even if not finalized)?

I have forwarded your note to both Jochen and Phil and have asked them
to send you a preliminary copy of the Edition 2 document.

						- Dave

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