question regarding bound specs

Liam Mullan mullan at
Thu Mar 21 07:58:34 EST 2002


my question regards the dynamic nature or otherwise of aggregate bound 
specs. The question is whether bound specs are evaluated just once (at 
the point of declaration), or whether the bounds change when variables 
involved in the bound expressions change.
As an example, if the following appeared in some function, would 
hi_bound1 and hi_bound2 both be 4, or would they be 4 and 5 respectively?

 x : INTEGER := 4;
 my_agg : SET [ 0 : x ] of INTEGER;
hi_bound1 : INTEGER := HIBOUND (my_agg);
x = 5;
hi_bound2 : INTEGER := HIBOUND (my_agg);

Thoughts/answers much appreciated,

Liam Mullan

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