Express meeting in MyrtleBeach ?

Dave Loffredo loffredo at
Thu Jan 31 11:39:16 EST 2002

>>>>> "David" == David Price <david.price at> writes:

David> Haven't seen anything about ballot results or comments and they
David> don't exist on SOLIS - although I found a dangling pointer to
David> SC4 N1245 Ballot Results.  I just sent emails off to see what
David> happened but at the moment I don't know anything.

Lothar> Is there any plan for a
Lothar> ballot comment workshop on the Express Amendment
Lothar> in Myrtle Beach?

I forwarded the ballot results and comments to Phil and Jochen back in

There will be a meeting in Myrtle Beach because Mr. Kikuchi from the
Japanese delegation wants to present some comments.  I asked Phil to
schedule a meeting on the TC184/SC4 site, but I have not heard anything
from him.   

Since Phil is missing in action, I will schedule the meeting room
myself for Wednesday 10:30-noon.

						- Dave

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