Comments on Impact of STEP Modularization on the SC4 Common Resou rces White Paper

David Price david.price at
Wed Aug 1 06:34:42 EDT 2001


A couple of responses to your issues - thanks for the review!

>2) Clause 2 - 6th paragraph - Disagree on statement that AP made up of AMs
>do not need a long form.  Several reasons: a) If an AP does not have a long
>form, then a user who attempts to implement the AP will not know what the
>EXPRESS constructs are for the AP.  b) An AM may be published with several
>corrections, the AP needs to know version of the EXPRESS is valid for the
>standard. c) The Extensible Selects need to be completed by the AP.  d) The
>proliferation of AMs would result in several new/modified Extensible
>- how does the AP reconcile the different Extensible Selects.

Agree that the long form question remains an open issue to be worked.
Disagree on completion of EXPRESS selects in AP, there really isn't an
AP schema. See next issue.

>3) Clause 2 - 6th paragraph - Disagree on statement that SC4 is going to be
>required to maintain a repository of AM ARM EXPRESS schemas.  The AP will
>need to put these together in the AP context, the AM AIM EXPRESS will be a
>fall-out of this process.  The AM AIM EXPRESS will need to unique to work
>across all contexts.  THE AM ARM EXPRESS will NOT need to unique to work
>across all contexts.

In the new architecture, there is no "AP AIM EXPRESS".  The AP simply points
to an AM that contains the EXPRESS. An AM ARM may be reused in a larger
(e.g. AP209 took AP203 ARM and AIM as a basis and then extended it). The
is to make an AM that's the ARM/MIM for an AP reusable by an AM for a larger
Separation of business specific rules into only the AM that equates to an AP
further enable this reusable.

>4) Clause 3 - Disagree - AIC should still be allowed to be developed.

There reason is that there's no way to use an AIC in a modularized AP.


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