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Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, USA
Thanh Huynh, Okuma, USA
David Loffredo, STEP Tools, USA
Alain Brail, Airbus (reitred), France
Christian Caillet, Datakit, France <br>
MIkael Hedlind, Scania, Sweden<br>
John Bijnens, KU Leuven, Belgium
<p>We discussed the scope statement of the working draft of Edition
2 of AP238: <br>
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<p>The following suggestions were made as possible additions to the
scope statement.<br>
<p>a. Information content for the digital thread and digital twins<br>
b. Manufacturing resources and requirements including tooling
resources and requirements.<br>
c. Description of the manufacturing equipment including machine
tool kinematics<br>
d. Mapping of ISO 13399 into the STEP integrated resources<br>
e. Quality assurance and risk analysis<br>
f. Uncertainty assessment of measurement devices and measurement
methods - as per the GPS standard on uncertainty ISO 17450-2:2012<br>
g. Linking of solutions to models to enable verification of
machining results.</p>
<p>We discussed changing the number of the AP but decided this would
confuse industry because they would be unsure if the new version
was upward compatible with the first edition.</p>
<p>The following is the draft agenda for the Jeju meeting:</p>
<p><u>Draft Agenda for WG15</u><br>
Monday - Digital Thread Issues and Opportunities<br>
Integration and harmonization of STEP, QIF and MTConnect<br>
Tuesday - Review of AP238 Edition 1<br>
A tour of the units of functionality in Edition 1<br>
Thursday - Discussion of AP238 Edition 2<br>
Tolerance management and manipulation in Edition 2</p>
<p>The next conference call will be on Wednesday October 18th.
Martin Hardwick
Convenor ISO WG15 Digital Manufacturing