As usual the call starts at 4:30 France, 10:30 Eastern, and 7:30
Two new items have been added to the web site..<br><br>
1. Bengt has sent a description of the material used for their test
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/carmo-english_050606.pdf" eudora="autourl">
2. Xun has updated the scenario diagram.<br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/STEP-NCInteroperabilityMay2009.pdf" eudora="autourl">
</a>See below for call-in numbers.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">All,<br><br>
The conference call is at the regular times this Wednesday November 12 -
4:30PM France, 10:30AM Eastern USA and 7:30AM Western USA.<br><br>
The agenda is <br><br>
1. Continue discussion of the test part<br><br>
Mastercam has sent part and toolpath data for their part. The part data
has been converted to STEP and can be found on the ftp directory. The
data uses some features of STEP that we had not previously tested so a
new version of the STEP-NC Explorer has also been put onto the web site.
For those of you that do not have the STEP-NC Explorer there is now a
free viewer also on the site.<br><br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/MOLD1.STP" eudora="autourl">
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/stepnc_5_46.msi" eudora="autourl">
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/stpview.zip" eudora="autourl">
Instructions for how to use the new STEP viewer can be found in the
status slides:<br><br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/Status_slides_20081112.ppt" eudora="autourl">
2. Discuss results of the Sc1/Wg7 meeting in Korea last week. The status
slides gathered by Bengt Olsson are on the ftp site. They include a video
showing a STEP-NC CAM system developed in France.<br><br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/Vancouver/SC1_WG7_material_1.zip" eudora="autourl">
I have invited the members of Wg7 to join us on the call.<br><br>
3. Discuss plans for supporting the three STEP-NC meetings in
a. Boeing/Vancouver May 14-15 & 18-19.<br>
b. U. Bath in the UK week of September 25<br>
c. U. Auckland in NZ December 7 & 9-11<br><br>
Martin Hardwick<br>
Team Leader STEP-Manufacturing<br><br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>Audio hosted by
SANDVIK:</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2> -Dial one of the
listed local numbers to join the meeting</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
USA 1 866 488 7956</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
Sweden: +46 (0) 8 5051 3879 or 0200 896
296</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
Germany: +49 (0) 69 71044 5442 or 0800 101
2144</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
UK: +44 (0)20 7153 9922 or 0800 358
4906</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
France : +33 (0)1 70 99 43 46 or 0800 941
582</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
Japan: 0044 2213 2777</font></tt> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2>
(additional local
numbers:</font></tt><font size=2>
<a href="https://filestore.xmr3.com/272575/12949241/shared/GlobalMeetingInformation.pdf">
<font size=2 color="#0000FF">
</font><font size=2>)</font> <br>
<tt><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=2> -Enter Passcode:
</font></tt><font size=2>959 6745 #</font> <br><br>
Wednesday, November 12 at 4:30 PM Västeuropa, normaltid at<br>
<a href="https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/605530018" eudora="autourl">
Meeting ID: 605-530-018<br><br>
!DSPAM:14,4918c67f298921064116247! <br>
step-manufacturing mailing list<br>
<a href="http://lists.steptools.com/mailman/listinfo/step-manufacturing" eudora="autourl">