Alain Brail, Airbus<br>
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik<br>
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.<br>
David Loffredo, STEP Tools, Inc.<br>
Fred Proctor, NIST<br>
Sid Venkatesh, Boeing<br>
David Odendahl, Boeing<br>
Leon Xu, Boeing<br>
Larry Maggiano, Mitutoyo<br>
John Horst, NIST<br>
Byeongeon Lee, NIST guest researcher<br>
Xun Xu, NIST guest researcher<br>
Xia Li, RPI<br><br>
Apologies for absence<br>
Mikael Hedlind, KTH<br>
Peter Klein, Concepts Nrec<br>
Matthew Lloyd, CCAT<br><br>
There was a discussion on the datum features to be used for
demonstration. The team agreed to use the cylindrical hole in the center
of the part as Datum A, the bottom face of the part as Datum B, and the
slot in the bottom face as Datum C. (See the attached first picture).
Since the time of the discussion it has been learned that the part being
supplied for the machining may not have the slot being proposed for Datum
C. The second attached picture shows the datum's tused by Sandvik for
their machining tests. <br><br>
There was a discussion on the meeting schedule for those participating in
the demonstration. It was agreed that everybody should be at CCAT by noon
on Tuesday October 30 so that a demonstration rehearsal can be scheduled
for the afternoon before the meeting. <br><br>
The next conference call will be on Wednesday July 30. <br><br>
Action items<br>
Fred Proctor to develop a scenario document for the demonstration.<br>
Peter Klein to review the datums.<br><br>
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