[step-manufacturing] Reminder: Conference call today

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Wed Nov 26 08:09:22 EST 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[step-manufacturing] Conference call this Wednesday at the 
regular times
Date: 	Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:03:57 -0500
From: 	Martin Hardwick <hardwick at steptools.com>
Organization: 	STEP Tools, Inc.
To: 	step-manufacturing at steptools.com <step-manufacturing at steptools.com>


The conference call will be held this Wednesday November 26 at the
regular times - 7AM Western USA, 10AM Eastern USA, 3PM UK, 4PM Europe.

The proposed agenda is as follows:

1. New cloud services for STEP-NC - kick off meeting at OMAC on February
12th and 13th

a. NC Code Generation Service
b. Tooling Optimization Service
c. 3D Process Monitoring Service

2. Feedback on the Swedish comments on AP242 Edition 2

3. Extending MTConnect to include information about the workingstep,
feature and tolerance

Martin Hardwick
Team Leader STEP-Manufacturing
step-manufacturing mailing list
step-manufacturing at steptools.com

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