[step-manufacturing] History of STEP-NC testing

Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Thu Dec 31 14:09:53 EST 2009

Happy New Year everybody,

Inspired by a set of slides by Xun Xu (who is already in the new year 
that we are to be happy about), I have made a presentation summarizing 
our STEP-NC testing over the last 10 years.

ftp://ftp.steptools.com/private/NIST/Testing_history.pptx   (9M)

If you have a moment please take a look. The nightmare of making a 
summary like this is that you forget a contribution or phrase something 
badly so that it is misunderstood. Therefore, please take a look. I 
believe the interest in STEP-NC is going to rise dramatically in the 
near future so we should get this history fixed before it becomes a 
competitive issue.

Thanks for all your help.

Team Leader, etc.

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