[step-manufacturing] Minutes of March 26 conference call
Martin Hardwick
hardwick at steptools.com
Wed Apr 2 09:03:17 EDT 2008
Alain Brail, Airbus, France
"Philippe Darnis, University of Bordeaux
Jean-bernard Hentz, Airbus
Fred Proctor, NIST
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik
Mikael Hedlind, KTH
Magnus Lundgren, KTH
Matthew Lloyd, CCAT
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.
Apologies for absence
David Odendahl, Boeing
Leon Xu, Boeing
Mike Mcglauflin, NIST
The next meeting will be held a the Connecticut Center for Advanced
Technologies (CCAT) in Hartford Connecticut on September 30th,
October 1st and October 2nd. The first day of the meeting will be
spent on dry runs for the demonstration day, the second day will be
the demonstration day and the third day will be a committee meeting
day. We will invite interested parties to the demonstration. The
emphasis of the demonstration will be on the business advantages of
using STEP-NC for machining.
There was a discussion on what business benefits should be
demonstrated. The two most discussed possibilities were feed-speed
optimization extended to include tool life and closed loop machining
of an impeller or turbine blade part with on-machine measurement and
For the tool life demonstration it was emphasized that the cost of
the cutting tools is usually only a small percentage of the total
cutting cost. Optimization using tool life should not focus on
cutting the cost of the tools, but on making sensible use of the tool
life to optimize the cost of the process. For example, if a tool has
only 75% of its life left and a machining job will require 80% of the
life of the tool, then the job should be slowed down so that it can
be completed without having to load a new tool. Similarly if a tool
has 80% of its life and the machining job requires 75% then the
process can be sped up to require the whole 80% because no other
process will be able to use the remaining 5%.
There was also agreement that the life of the tool should be measured
as a percentage. Each application will be required to compute how
much of the life it consumes. Guidance should be given so that
applications can compute this percentage.
For the closed loop machining demonstration there was discussion on
the best was to measure the machining and how to make the corrections
for five axis machining. There was a discussion on tool deflection
and how to predict tool deflection and why it is difficult to
compensate for tool deflection in a CAM system. Sandvik made a model
of an impeller available to the group. The model is smaller than
usual so it can fit into a wider range of machines, but it has all of
the features considered to be critical for this type of machining.
The model has been put onto the new ftp site for the CCAT demo.
The machine tool model developed by the University of Bath has also
been put onto the ftp site. The documentation includes a description,
an EXPRESS model and a Part 21 file example for a DMU 50.
Action Items
Fred Proctor to contact Sid Venkatesh about an Impeller model
developed by Boeing described in the literature.
Matt Lloyd to check to see if Biran Kindilien has been able to find
impellor or turbine blade models that can be used in the demonstration
Fred Proctor to check for NIST expertise on tool deflection.
Martin Hardwick to make a new ftp site.
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