[step-manufacturing] Minutes of third Dallas conference call

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Mon Aug 27 16:48:41 EDT 2007

Alain Brail, Airbus
John Witko, General Dynamics Land Systems
Jan De Nijs, Lockheed Martin
Fred Proctor, NIST
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik
Ramayya, Boeing
Chen-Han Lee, Siemens UGS Software
Curtis Brown, Honeywell
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.

Apologies for absence
Shaw Feng, NIST
John Horst, NIST
Ray Admire, Lockheed Martin
David Odendahl, Boeing
Xun Xu, New Zealand

1. SCRA has made a STEP file describing 
tolerances for the fish-head part. STEP Tools has 
been able to read and process those tolerances 
with a new version of the STEP-NC Explorer. The 
file is in the Dallas ftp site along with an 
updated version of the STEP-NC Explorer. The file 
is available in its raw state as sent by 
SCRA  (aerospatial_tes10_224.stp) and as a 
commented version (aerospatial_tes10_224_fmt.stp) 
produced by STEP Tools that is easier to examine in a text editor.


2. Sandvik has used UGS to make a rough model for 
the part that removes more material than the 
rough model used for the Ibusuki demonstration. 
They recommend that the roughing is done in two 
steps. First with a large diameter tool to remove 
the majority of the material and then with a 
small diameter tool to clean up the corners.

OP1. The tool used in the attached simulation is 
a router with indexable inserts (diameter 44mm, 
radius 4mm and length 60mm). In this simulation 
the 4th axis (the table) was used to create a 
part of the "outward leaning side". This step 
could be removed if we decide to go for 3-axis 
machining only. I also have the stl file (11MB) 
of what the workpiece looks like after this first 
roughing operation. Our UG system was unable to convert to 203 format.

OP2.  A smaller tool (diameter 20 or 16) should 
be used to clean up the corners from excess stock 
prior to finishing. This step has not been simulated

The data made by Sandvik has been put into the 
ftp site as a ZIP directory and a wmv file.

3. The following changes have been suggested by 
Airbus for the features to be measured.

i- Datums B and C are required to define the 
reference for finishing has been machined.   B' 
may be on the left side for a better accuracy (higher than the actual B)
ii- for hole we suggest you cancel the 
perpendicularity check (as the hole depth is only 
a few millimeters) and replace with a diameter size dimension
iii- for the angular measure in the corner we 
propose to cancel the check in the corner and 
measure the angle of the  internal surface of the 
right side. It  must be 15°+-0.01 A.

A jpeg showing the features is at the following 
URL : 

4. John Horst and Ray Admire have been able to 
interest Mori-Seiki in hosting the demonstration.

No changes have been made to the schedule but 
potential participants should note that the 
deadline for confirming participation will be 
reached by the time of the next conference call.

November 1st            - Machining demonstration
October 24th            - Finish machining tests
October 10th            - Begin machining tests
October 1st             - Finish tool path development
September 15th  - Begin tool path development
September 1st           - Confirmation of participants

New Action Items
Shaw Feng and HiPP team to review the inspection features suggested by Airbus
Chen-Han Lee to assist Bengt Olsson in converting 
the Sandvik rough model to AP-203

Old Action items
David Loffredo and David Odendahl to investigate 
use of rotate command for two dimensional probing
Fred Proctor to prepare a welcome package for new 
organizations that want to join the demonstration
Xun Xu to review the welcome package and scenario documentation

Closed Action Items
Martin Hardwick to send AP-203 file for the fish head to Len Slovensky
Len Slovensky to prepare a draft AIC for the inspection features
David Odendahl to contact Chen Han Lee of UGS and 
John Horst to contact John  Schafer of UGS about 
participating in the demonstration
Fred Proctor to investigate use of 
Pro/Manufacturing for developing fish head tool paths
Martin Hardwick to contact Prof. Kisinami about 
Far East participation in the demonstration
Alain Brail to contact Renishaw about using their 
macros for two dimensional (X and Y) probing
Martin Hardwick to send Catai data for the Ibusuki demonstration to Shaw Feng
Len Slovensky to investigate developing an AP-224 
file with the tolerances for the fish head part as a substitute AP-203 e2 file
John Horst to assist Ray Admire in contacting the Mori-Seiki tech center
Bengt Olsson to investigate requirements for optimal tool selection

The next conference call will be held on 
Wednesday September 5th at the same time 4:30PM 
France, 10:30 AM Eastern USA, 9:30AM Central USA, 7:30AM Western USA.
As recorded by Martin Hardwick
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