[step-manufacturing] 2nd Dallas demonstration conference call minutes

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Mon Aug 13 10:03:27 EDT 2007

Alain Brail, Airbus
Len Slovensky, SCRA
Jan De Nijs, Lockheed Martin
Fred Proctor, NIST
John Horst, NIST
Bengt Olsson, Sandvik
David Odendahl, Boeing
Jim Ayers, Northrop Grumman
Chaiki Sakamoto, Japan
Shaw Feng, NIST
Martin Hardwick, STEP Tools, Inc.

Apologies for absence
John Witco, General Dynamics Land Systems
Ray Admire, Lockheed Martin
Xun Xu, New Zealand

We discussed the goals of the demonstration and how to make the 
machining more flexible for a wider range of machines.

The goal is to show the part being machined and inspected from many 
different data sources on many different machines. We want to show 
that the STEP-NC data can be constructed using many techniques, that 
it can drive many different types of machines and cutting tools, and 
that the correctness of the final part can be measured using many 
different methods.

At the demonstration in Dallas we want to show one, two or three 
machines executing different snapshots of the process (roughing, 
finishing and inspection), and we would like to compare the 
inspection results data from all of the locations for accuracy. 
Ideally the machines at Dallas will each show a process developed at 
a different location. For example, roughing developed at GDLS or 
Sandvik, finishing developed at Boeing or Airbus, and inspection 
developed at NIST or Lockheed.

To make the machining more flexible we should provide a wider 
selection of tool paths suited to a wider range of machines. For 
example, Sandvik can use UGS to create tool paths for a large tool 
machine, NIST might use Pro/Engineer to create tool paths for a small 
tool machine and Airbus might use Catia to create tool paths for a 
high speed machine.

To make the machining more flexible we should define features that 
allow more of the volume to be removed during the roughing phase. An 
action team consisting of NIST, SCRA and Sandvik was formed to define 
an AP-203 model for the part before and after the roughing process so 
that better features can be defined.

In summary the key differences between the Ibusuki and Dallas 
demonstrations will be as follows:

1. The tolerances to be measured will be defined using an AP-224 file 
disguised as an AP-203 e2 file.
2. More of the part will be defined using features and more volume 
will be removed during the roughing process
3. There will be a selection of different finishing tool paths suited 
to different machine tool / cutting tool combinations
4. Several CAD and CAM systems will be used to make the data.
5. The inspection process will be more flexible and allow multiple 
methods to be used to measure the part (TBD).

The schedule has been extended to include a new deadline of September 
1st when those participating should agree to commit resources for 
machining and inspecting the part and/or developing data.

November 1st 		- Machining demonstration
October 24th 		- Finish machining tests
October 10th 		- Begin machining tests
October 1st 		- Finish tool path development
September 15th 	- Begin tool path development
September 1st		- Confirmation of participants

New Action Items
Martin Hardwick to send Catai data for the Ibusuki demonstration to Shaw Feng
Len Slovensky, Fred Proctor and Bengt Olsson to develop an AP-203 
model for the part after roughing (deadline next conference call)
John Horst to assist Ray Admire in contacting the Mori-Seiki tech center
Fred Proctor to develop a scenario for the demonstration showing data 
flows and responsibilities
Xun Xu to review the welcome package and scenario documentation

Old Action items
Len Slovensky to investigate developing an AP-224 file with the 
tolerances for the fish head part as a substitute AP-203 e2 file 
(August 9th deadline)
John Horst and HIPP team to suggest which inspection features and 
operations should be included in the demonstration
David Loffredo and David Odendahl to investigate use of rotate 
command for two dimensional probing
Bengt Olsson to investigate requirements for optimal tool selection
Fred Proctor to prepare a welcome package for new organizations that 
want to join the demonstration

Closed Action Items
Martin Hardwick to send AP-203 file for the fish head to Len Slovensky (done)
Len Slovensky to prepare a draft AIC for the inspection features (done)
David Odendahl to contact Chen Han Lee of UGS and John Horst to 
contact John  Schafer of UGS about participating in the demonstration
Fred Proctor to investigate use of Pro/Manufacturing for developing 
fish head tool paths
Martin Hardwick to contact Prof. Kisinami about Far East 
participation in the demonstration
Alain Brail to contact Renishaw about using their macros for two 
dimensional (X and Y) probing

The next conference call will be held on Wednesday August 22nd at the 
same time 4:30PM France, 10:30 AM Eastern USA, 9:30AM Central USA, 
7:30AM Western USA.
As recorded by Martin Hardwick

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