[step-manufacturing] Minutes of 2nd AP-238 CC1 inter-operability testing telcon

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Fri Nov 5 17:13:35 EST 2004

Minutes of AP-238 CC1 Testing Telcon on 11/05/04

1. There was a discussion of the scenario document. The following 
issues were discussed/raised:

* The reason for making changes in the CAM is to show that the
  demonstration is not canned. 

There is no requirement for a CAM system to read a modified AP-203
file and process that to create a new AP-238 file. Any change to
the data in the CAM that results in a visible change to the AP-238
tool paths is acceptable.

* Add more details about the CNC simulation systems

So that the audience understands how the data is being input
into the controls. This includes a discussion of TCP programming
and the software being used to convert the AP-238 CC1 data into
the TCP interfaces understood by the controls.

2. There was a discussion on how to better document the requirements
of the AP-238 file.

* David Odendahl has already completed 24 pages of a "STEP-NC for
  dummies" Implementation Guide. 

The guide will show new implementors how to construct AP-238 CC1 data
from APT CL data. A first version of the guide will be completed by
Monday and sent to Dave Loffredo and Mauro Costas for checking against
the DIS version of the AP-238 schema. The document will be circulated
to the whole team as soon as possible so that the vendors can
scope the level of effort required to support the demonstration.

* How to document implementation agreements that make the job of the
  reader easier.

These agreements will be included in the Implementation Guide as they
are made. One of the goals for the demonstration is to find out what
implementation agreements can make the task of the data reader easier
without unreasonably restricting flexibility of the end user or the
data writer. The agreements will be enforced by the APConform tool
as they are made.

3. How to improve the demonstration

* Consider implementing a connection to a manufacturing site via
  a webcam to show the part being made

This has been very successful as a way to convince a general
audience in the past.

* Check the files produced by the CAM systems using a conformance
  checking tool such as APConform. Only process data in the CNC
  systems after it has been checked by APConform.

This will show the audience that AP-238 CC1 data is being exchanged
and not some other kind of data. This will also be the gating function
for anyone that wants to join the demonstration (i.e they must read or
write files that conform).

4. Other

John Callen has supplied a STEP file for a three axis version of the
CDS NAS 979 part to NIST.

The web site should include APT CL files for the test parts.

The next conference call will be at the same time (2PM Eastern) on
Friday November 19th.

The new Implementation Guide and updated Scenario will be
discussed. Progress on releasing the DIS conforming versions
of the test files will be discussed.

Action Items:
* Sid Venkatesh to contact GE Fanuc to get more information about the
  control simulators that can be brought to the meeting.
* Fred Proctor to contact Siemens to get more information about their
  control simulators.
* David Odendahl to complete the Version 1 of the Implementation Guide
* Mauro Costas and David Loffredo to review the Guide to make sure all
  the examples conform to the standard.
* Martin Hardwick to circulate a new version of the STEP-NC FAQ
* Fred Proctor to circulate a new version of the Scenario
* David Odendahl to circulate the Implementation Guide

Meeting Attendees:
John Callen, GibbsCAM
Fred Proctor, Xun Xu, NIST
Chen Han Lee, UGS
Francois Lamy, PTC
Martin Hardwick, David Loffredo, STEP Tools, Inc.
Ming C, Liu, Waris Jaffrey, Boeing Wichita
David Odendahl, Boeing Tulsa
Sid Venkatesh, Mauro Costas, Boeing Seattle
Steve Skrabacz, General Dynamics Electric Boat
Lloyd Alexander, Brigham Young University

Apologies for absence: 
Carol Tierney and John Witco of General Dynamics Land Systems
Gary Hargreaves of CNC Software (Mastercam)

As recorded by Martin Hardwick on November 5, 2004

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