[step-manufacturing] Proposed agenda for Bath

Martin Hardwick hardwick at steptools.com
Wed May 19 12:18:18 EDT 2004


Here is a first cut at an agenda for T24 for the Bath meeting.
Essentially there are three major items on the agenda:

1. Review of the status of all the AP projects (Tuesday).
2. Discussion of harmonizing ISO 14649 and the AP's using
   XML and the mapping tables.
3. Discussion of harmonizing GD&T

In addition SC1 Wg7 has some new models for inspection and
machine technologies that they would like to introduce and

Please get back to me if you have additions for the agenda.
You will see a tentative schedule for the AP projects in the
agenda. Please let me know if someone for your project will be
available at this time and if possible please supply me with 
some detail on what will be discussed during the time slot so
I can include it in the next version of the agenda.

See you all in Bath.

Martin Hardwick
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