[st-users] Tip for AP-214 users

David Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Thu Feb 4 20:31:25 EST 1999

Here's a little tip from Jeff Young that makes AP-214 files very easy
to process.

Some AP-214 files contain the long ISO identifier for the schema (with
the braces and numbers).  A really easy way to handle this is to just
create a copy or symbolic link to the normal compiled schema file.

We've started doing this internally, and I've added it to the v7
system_db/schemas directory.  Of course, you need to quote the names
when creating the links because of the embedded spaces.

     ln -s automotive_design_cc2.rose \
        "AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN_CC2 { 1 2 10303 214 -1 1 5 1 }.rose"

Dave Loffredo =================================================================
Email:	loffredo at steptools.com		| STEP Tools Inc.
Phone:	(518) 276-8698  (work) 		| Rensselaer Technology Park
	(518) 276-8471  (fax)		| Troy, New York 12180 USA

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