[st-users] Some thoughts on ST-Developer v7

David Loffredo loffredo at steptools.com
Wed May 27 17:36:37 EDT 1998

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Waterbury <waterbug at epims1.gsfc.nasa.gov> writes:

Steve> IMO, the advantages of the core object indices greatly outweigh 
Steve> anything lost by the side-effects mentioned.  

Agreed, which is why I've been putting in the changes ... I was just
curious whether anyone had a particularly strong attachment to the old

Steve> Presentation aspects of the Part 21 format will probably be less 
Steve> and less significant as more work is done on the XML format 
Steve> (pure speculation, of course! ... ;^).

Probably true, although I don't know that P21 ever was a star at
presentation :-)

						- Dave

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