STEP ToolsWeekly News for Monday March 29

Martin Hardwick hardwick at
Mon Mar 29 23:18:15 EST 1999

This weekly newsletter is a brief update of what is going on in STEP
and at STEP Tools, Inc.  If you want to know more, try the STEP Tools
web site (

Application Protocols in Space!

The French Space Agency CNES has developed a suite of Application Protocols
for space applications. They include

STEP-TAS for Space Thermal Applications
STEP-PRP for Space Propulsion Applications
STEP-NRF for Neutral Results Files

The Application Protocols are documented to a very high level of quality
and have been designed to work together and with AP-214 for structural
analysis. The agency is currently trying to decide if they should be
submitted to TC184 for standardisation or another ISO Technical Committee
that specializes in Space.

ST-Repository is the new name for ST-WebExchange

We usually give products names that reflect their function. For example,
ST-Developer for STEP application development, and ST-Visualizer for
STEP visualization. Therefore, we have decided to rename ST-WebExchange
to ST-Repository to reflect the fact that it is a datbase with services
for data translation, data visualization, data integration and enterprise

The first copy of ST-Repository is being installed at a customer who wants
to manage data exchange with suppliers over the World Wide Web. The customer
will use the translation service to manage data translations so that
each supplier can get the data in the format required by its CAD systems.

The second copy of ST-Repository is being installed at a customer who wants
to use the visualization service to allow remote customers to examine the
geometry and structure of a product using an ordinary world wide web browser,
and then down-load the data of a selected product into a local CAD system.

The third copy of ST-Repository is being installed at a customer who wants
to use the enterprise programming service to populate Enterprise JavaBeans
with product data. The beans will be programmed to manage the as-designed,
as-planned and as-built configurations of a product. The mapping from STEP
to the beans is being defined using EXPRESS-X, and the interface between
the middleware system that manages the beans and the repository is being
programmed using the SDAI Java.

Upcoming Classes

Introduction to STEP- A one day hands-on workshop for professionals
that need to know what STEP is and how it can be a key element in
solving your product data exchange problems.

April 12 - 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM in Troy, New York

Object Oriented Information Modeling with EXPRESS - The EXPRESS
information modeling language is widely used inside and outside of
STEP to describe object-oriented information models for Concurrent
Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Products, Asset Management,
Laboratory Analysis, Geological Modeling and other applications. This
course introduces the student to information modeling, the EXPRESS
language and its companion EXPRESS-G language. Demonstrations and
class exercises are included in the course.

April 13 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in Troy, New York
April 14 - 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Translation Service 

Period Covered: Sun Mar 21 03:25:02 1999 -- Sun Mar 28 03:25:02 1999
Total usage: 70
Successful usage: 59 (84%)
Errors: 11 (15%)

Translator	total	errors	success rate

acis-ap203	20	6	70%
ap203-acis	13	0	100%
ap203-stl	2	2	0%
ap203-vrml	2	0	100%
ap203check	10	0	100%
express2html	16	2	87%
gifviz		6	1	83%
step2xml	1	0	100%

All-Time stats

Period Covered: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969 -- Sun Mar 28 03:25:15 1999
Total usage: 3695
Successful usage: 3239 (87%)
Errors: 456 (12%)

Translator	total	errors	success rate

acis-ap203	750	25	96%
ap203-acis	1413	143	89%
ap203-stl	98	36	63%
ap203-vrml	346	95	72%
ap203-xml	87	18	79%
ap203check	137	16	88%
expfront	124	17	86%
expfront2	81	0	100%
express2html	255	2	99%
expxfront	11	1	90%
gifviz		134	42	68%
iges-ap202	10	0	100%
sp203-xml	13	2	84%
step2xml	30	6	80%
steptoimage	194	49	74%
xml2step	12	4	66%


Resellers for STEP Tools products are available in the following
geographic areas.  Please contact us if you would like further

--North America
	Integrated Engineering Solutions, Iowa City IA
	Espri Concept, Sophia Antipolis Cedex
	EuroSTEP GmbH, Bad Aibling
	Applied Logistics, Moscow
	EuroSTEP AB, Stockholm
--United Kingdom
	EuroSTEP UK, Denbigh
	C-STEP, Beijing
	Open Systems, Inc., Tokyo
	Mani Information Systems, Inc.
	Exartech International Corp., Taipei
	Axxon Technology, Taipei
	INTEXS International,Virgina Beach Va.
	Logistics Pty Ltd., Victoria

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